Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Let's Meet On The Moon Book Review


Author: Lauren Muskovitz Ranalli 

Illustrator: Emily Siwek

Publisher: Lauren Ranalli

Release Date: October 2020

Format: paperback

ISBN: 978-17731433-2-5

Reviewer: Ellwyn Autumn

Rating: 4 Lemon Drops

A long-distance friendship that will stand the test of space and time! I love the title; it draws you right in.


What do you do when your best friend in the whole wide world moves away? You keep in touch with them by writing imaginative postcards to each other.


I felt an instant connection to the young characters in this story and the unlucky predicament they found themselves in.

Let’s Meet On The Moon brought back the sad memory of my best friend, Larry, moving away when I was little. At the time, I was heartbroken. We kept in touch at first. My family and I visited his new house a few times, but then things petered out. Such is the way of life, I guess.

If only Larry and I had written postcards to one another, like the youngsters in the story. Such a cute and clever way to get kids writing and dealing with their feelings.

It’s apparent from the little boy’s first vivid postcard he expects to remain close to the little girl even though they’re far apart. By the end, I got the feeling they’d be friends for ever and ever.

In the Covid-19 era, the story applies to all of us, no matter how near or far we live from our friends and family. For many, social distancing has kept us apart. It’s requisite to save lives, but we still seek a personal connection with the people we love. In the digital age, Let’s Meet On The Moon offers children another more tangible alternative to stay in touch, and let’s face it kids love to get mail. There’s something truly special when you receive a handwritten note from your best friend.

I give it 4 Lemon Drops!

Classroom Connection:

Let’s Meet On The Moon would make an excellent addition to a classroom or homeschool library and writing center. To extend the book, stock your writing center with index cards, markers, pens, pencils, and stampers. Children can utilize the materials to design their own postcard, write their message, and mail or hand deliver it to their recipient.

Students could write postcards to their classmates and pop it in a classroom mailbox. When the moment is right, one or two children could be the classroom letter carriers and deliver the postcards to everyone.

You could also do this postcard project schoolwide. Older students could write to younger students, who then write a reply. You could send postcards to nursing home patients or to students in another state and country.

With a little creativity, Let’s Meet On The Moon, proves the possibilities will take you to the moon and back!  

About The Author

Laruen can wander for hours in bookstores. She absolutely loves a freshly sharpened pencil (like realllly loves it). And she has found so much joy in pursuing my dream of being a children’s book author. Inspired by her own high-spirited children, she aims to create stories that excite curiosity and broaden our sense of community.

She wrote her first book, The Great Latke Cook Off, shortly after her oldest child was born. As part of an interfaith family, her son received a number of lovely Christmas books during his first holiday season. She went out with the intention to purchase some Chanukah books for him, but she couldn’t find any stories that resonated with her own cultural experience. So, she decided to write her own.

Flash forward several years, and she is now working on her fourth self-published book, with many other stories rolling around in her mind! She has been fortunate to have the opportunity to share her work with readers across North America, as well as support other aspiring and self-published writers in their own author journey.

If you’d like more information on her work, scheduling an author visit or interview, or signing up for her online course, please get in touch! She would love to connect with you.



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