Sunday, May 14, 2023

Teddy Bear Tea Party Activities


Teddy Bear Tea Resources

The products in this post were created to complement my children's book Teddy Bear Tea.

Who doesn't love a Teddy Bear? I certainly do. They provide comfort and always bring a smile to my face and those of my kiddos.

If you're planning on celebrating National Teddy Bear Day or hosting a Teddy Bear Tea, I've got the resources you need to bring the fun! 

Teddy Bear Tea Party Activities

There are rhyming cards, invitations for the children to write, and math worksheets that include patterns and counting.

Teddy Bear Tea Game Board

I had a ton of fun creating this board game. It makes me happy to see my characters moving across the board like little paper figurines.

It's a board game for ages 3 & up and made for 2-4 players. Perfect for home and school.

The game can be played in small groups and promotes turn taking, sharing, counting, and following directions.

Teddy Bear Tea Board Game

Teddy Bear Tea Memory Game

This game is also for ages 3 & up and designed for 2-4 players. It can be played in small groups and promotes turn taking, sharing, visual discrimination, and following directions.

Teddy Bear Tea Memory Cards

Teddy Bear Tea Action Rhyme

The poem is a developmentally friendly Reader's Theater for preschool through first grade. It teaches rhyme, first, then, next, last, and introduces students to a story's retelling through drama.

Teddy Bear Tea

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